Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I like sad things

I know that's weird, but I like sad things. I like happy things too, of course, but mainly sad things.
NOT "angsty-I-hate-my-life-rage-my-life-sucks" sad things (those are not sad. those are hormones.)
I like things that are beautiful sad. For example: my favourite book (for now) is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
Or The Heart in the Bottle (that's a picture book I talked about here.) Favourite movie? The Dead Poet's Society.
Above is one of my favourite songs along the "beautifully sad" line of things. Kirs and I took a roadtrip to Rexburg, ID back in March to visit our siblings. But Rexburg being... well, Rexburg (if you've been there you know what I'm talking about),
I was going a little stir crazy from being there too long. So I caught a ride with some people down to Provo to visit other friends I have there, and on the way back this song was part of the driver's playlist. Then I obsessed over it for like a month.
Every now and again I look it up and today was just one of those days.

Hope you like it!

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