Monday, July 29, 2013

Knowing and waiting

Today at the library, a patron was planning a wedding. I know this, because I had to check in 15 wedding books and a billion back issues of Brides Magazine (which, I believe, is one of the best magazines out there, so kudos to you bride-to-be.)
Then, later on, another patron - a flustered new father- asked me if I could hold his baby. His fresh, still curled up, new to the world, perfect little baby with the darkest fuzzy hair I have ever seen.
Obviously, this all put me into plan-the-most-amazing-wedding-this-world-has-ever-seen-then-have-ALL-of-the-babies mode. (Understandably, I think.)
And let me tell you, I DID plan the best wedding ever.
Seriously, if I can pull that off one day it will top anything in the history of life...
But there's the thing.
One day.
I told Kyle of all my plans after work, and he smiled & nodded and agreed with everything I said,
then gently pulled me back to earth to remind me that we agreed it wouldn't be anytime soon.
I know what you're thinking:
Dream. Crusher.
He's actually the exact opposite.
Being my best friend, he knows all my thoughts & aspirations & everything I dream of becoming, and he knows that most of those things won't work out if we're married. Especially if we had kids (though I am quite convinced that since he has the most luscious lips ever, our babies would be so beautiful à la Alex & Nat or The Wiegands.)
So marriage isn't right for us right now.
Sometimes, like today, I really, really wish it was. So I dream, and plan, and wait, and love my cute boy because he loves me more than I can comprehend. He's so kind to me, and puts my life & happiness above all else - even when I don't realize it.

He focuses on the big picture, and helps me see it too.

He also comes over within minutes of me texting him just to hold me while I cry after a rotten day.
He's just too good.

My favourite photo of us above, taken in Toon Town March 2013

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